Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mungu Witu: God Almighty

O, our God, protect Bunkeya And may all our provinces be at peace Grant us peace on this earth That you gave to the Bayeke
Mungu witu ukwashye Bunkeya Ne mahanga gona pie gahole Utuhe bushinge mu eyo nsi Ulabagavira Bayeke

O, Almighty, Creator of all things
O, Almighty, Giver of all good
You, the only Master, of death and life It is to you that we must give thanks
O mother, here on earth.
O God!
Kube musumvi we vyona
Kube, Linze lya kugabanya
Mwenekili, Shibuta, Shifu  ne Shihanga
Nge wa kulamirizya
O, Mayo, Heno mw’ibwelero
O Mungu ee

We live among strangers
Most of whom are enemies
They never tire of causing us difficulties
But you watch over us
Twekuzenga mu bantu bangi
Mu abe bikuvi bali bingi
Batekuzoba kututabanya
Nahe obe wekutulinda

You know well that greed leads
men to jealousy
While you yourself dispense
Of all goods with equity
Wamanite oti kwibumbwa kubi
Kwekuletera bantu libuba
Hero obe mwene
Vintu vyona ne bwinganire

Why would we have conflicts here in Katanga?
Where there are riches everywhere;
We have enough territories
To build and other very vast and fertile places to cultivate!
Twenkafwanira shi mu Kadata?
Honane visoga vilimo!
Nsi ya kuzenga kone ndimiro
Zishyali ngazi mno ne kubera!

Don’t treat us harshly
We who constitute only one Minority among the multitudes;
Don’t erase our name
But may we forever remain the Bayeke!
Uleke kutushyarira
Ifwe badone mu bantu bingi;
Izina litu litakabula
Libe nsiku zyona: Bayeke!

Original Version
Protect our Mwami Shyombeka Our mother Kapapa and all the children So that they can serve the homeland well And long live all the Bayeke!
Original Version
Ukwashye Mwami witu Shyombeka
Mayo Kapapa ne bana bamwe
Babone kutumamira shalo;
Ne Bayeke bona bahole!


O, You manes of Bayeke
Listen to our prayer
intercede for us with God
So that he grants us life
Imwe mana ge Bayeke
Momvwe kusaba kwitu
Mutwitogere ku Linze
Lituhe buhanga

Because we ardently wish May the happiness to come
be equal to that which we have known
Twekutogwa bube mbele
Bweze ne numa

Eternal God We invoke you,
Kube musumvi
Linze lye nsiku zyona

God of the East We invoke you,
You God of the West We invoke you
You God of the south We invoke you
You God of the North We invoke you

Twamilangana imwe ba Shilya
Twamilangana n’imwe ba Kwezi
Twamilangana O, ba Takama
Twamilangana O, ba Sukuma

And You, Orderer of the firmaments
Listen to our prayer
Creator Eternal God
Bamw’irunde, ba munsi
Momvwe kusaba kwitu
kube musumvi
Linze lye nsiku zyona

We wish peace Rule all over this country
Let those who hate each other reconcile
And that women give birth a lot of children in Katanga
Twekutogwa eshya shyalo
Shihole honane
N’abo bantu bekwigaya
Basube kwishima
Bakima babute bana
Bokazye Kadata

Almighty Creator Eternal God
Kube musumvi
Linze lye nsiku zyona

Let the rain give us water
So that we no longer experience thirst
And may our crops grow advantageously in our fields
May our livestock multiply
So that we are no longer in need
Mvula ituhere linzi
Tuleke kuherwa
Vilibwa vitu vimere
Nenza mu migunda
Mitugo n’azye ningihe
Tuleke kw’ikumbwa

Almighty Creator Eternal God
Kube musumvi
Linze lye nsiku zyona

Let all kinds of diseases disappear
May the bad spells diminish
May all that is evil depart from us
And may they torment us no more
May luck be on our side in everything we do (work and travel)
Malwele gona gamare
Visasembe vilale
vikali vikumagire
Mu milimo ne mu ngendo
Tutambe lweru

Almighty Creator Eternal God
Kube musumvi
Linze lye nsiku zyona


We honor the standard
of our Father Mwenda M’siri
The standard of the Kingdom
Thanks to which we have this country
Twekukumuzya nkome
Imwa baba Mwenda M’siri
Nkome ye Bwami
Nge yatuhere shalo

The standard of our manes
came from the Busabaga
Let us honor it today
because it is thanks to it that we
pacified Katanga
Nkome ya misambwa
Ya kupuna Busabaga
Twisenge bona bwalero
Nge ilahozya Kadata

The standard of our Kingdom
Gave us happiness
There was no other (than this Nkome)
Thanks to it we conquered this country
Nkome ye Bwami bwitu
Yali ya bumanga
Kutali yindi, bayage,
Nge ilashinzire shalo

It is in the hands
of our revered Father Mwenda Bantu
So let us have respect for
Ngelengwa’s standard (M’siri)
Iyalemwa mu maganza
Gamwa Baba Mwenda Bantu
Tobahe bwalero
Nkome ya mwa Ngelengwa (M’siri)

Here it is
This standard, O Father it is here (bis)
The standard of our manes
The lucky charm
Thanks to it we conquered everything
Nkome eyo, Ô Baba nkom’eyo (bis)
Ya misambwa
Ya bumanga
Yashinda vyona


1.  All Bayeke we must know
The reason for our gathering in Bunkeya
Finding ourselves in this hallowed place to commemorate
The death of our Suzerain King Mwenda M’siri
Bayeke bona tube tulamanya
Eshya shyekutukuminga mu Bunkeya
Twekwiza kukumbura ha kaya
Lufu lwe mutemi Mwenda Mushiri

M’siri became our greatest leader
Of all the tribes of Katanga
Because he alone dared to refuse slavery
Preferring rather to die in his glory
Mushiri abere musambwa mukuru
Gwe vise vyona ne vyonana mu Kadata
Ng’oko alakana kusabwa bwiru
Alatogwa fufwa n’olwa lukumo lwamwe

2. All night on December 19
The Mwami wondered about the white people’s project
He came to the conclusion that they wanted to kill him
In order to seize the country and all the wealth
Le 19 décembre bufuku peku
Mwami alibuzya kugemera kwe bazungu
Alabon’angu be kwenda ku mwita
Basole shalo ne masabo hamwine

3.  He forbade his lieutenants
To exchange gunfire with the foreigners
So that they would remain in humiliation
For having assassinated the King like brigands
Alahangizya batwale bamwe
Baleke kulasana ne banamiko
Bashigale ne nsoni zyabo
Ha kwita Mwami bakuzire bunyenge

4.  The next morning he headed towards Munema
Accompanied by one of his sons, Prince Masuka
Upon arriving, he began to converse with his favorites
While at the entrance to the harem, the enemy was lying in wait
Buliza kushya alazya ha Munema
Bali ne mwana wamwe, Mwanangwa Masuka
Alabukizya nsunsu ne bagoli
Kashi ku lusonzo babisa bekuteba

5. One of the servants sent by the king from Europe
Called the Mwami with his finger just as if he were his comrade
Mwenda lost his temper and scolded very loudly
This young white man who lacked politeness
Kalume we mwami we bulaya
Alamulanga ne munwe kati mwishyamwe
Mwenda alasaya, alamulambira
Oyo mutugule nantaba ne ishima

6.  From that moment on, there were no further talks.
He dismissed him like a four-legged dog
Shocked, Bodson took his pistol and shot the Mwami
Who fell on the spot
Ahone aloya kuteta nage
Alamubinga kati mbwa ye matula
Bodson nge kumulasa masotola
Alagwa eyone akugalagala

7.  Seeing this, Masuka in turn
Killed Bodson without delay
However, the prince was shot in the back
It was in this heroic way that Masuka met his death
Masuka n’awe mu kubon’oti
Alamulasa mangu mangu Bodson
Nahe Mwanangwa alalaswa mu numa
Ng’oti alafwa shigoshane, Masuka

8.  One of the King’s wives named Maria da Fonseca
Said to the Marquis de Bonchamps
To cut off her husband’s head to hasten his death
Indeed, he acted as he had been told
Mugoli Maria da Fonseca
Alamubwira mutwale de Bonchamps
Ashike Mwami anguhe kufwa
N’awe alahila omwo alabwirirwa

9.  Although our leader lies among the dead
In our hearts we always pay homage to him
Even when we have to tell strangers his stories
Let’s hide nothing from them, because there is no reason to be ashamed
N’oti ekulala mundeba witu
Mu mizo zitu twekumuhera ikuzyo
Ning’olo twe kutembuzya bageni
Tuyombe vyonane muhayo nsoni kutuhu


1.  One day, Mr. Crawford
Approached Mwami M’siri
to tell him discreetly: 
O, King, let us flee.
Escape from death
Oh, King, let us flee because the village is in danger.
Let’s go to Lwanza, because I fear that noble blood
will flow needlessly 
Oh, King, let us flee, ai wee
Lusiku lumwi, bwana Kolofwa
Alamwegerera Mwami M’siri
Mwami twiruke, zyotoka ku lufu
Mwami twiruke, kaya karula
Tuzye mu Lwanza, oo nonvwa busungu
Ne kuba nobaha kubona magazi 
Ya Mundeba kuvwa buyaga
Mwami twiruke, ai wee


2.  I won’t run away, Lion that I am I won’t run away 
I don’t want to die out of my Capital city
It’s better that I fall there
No, I will not run away,
lion that I am
Ntakwiruka ndi Nshimba (twice)
Ntakwiruka ndi Nshimba, one
Nakoma kufwisa heru
Sumbwa ngwire mu lugo lwane
Ntakwiruka, ndi Mshimba, ai wee

But, Mr. Crawford
Where did you see;Mr Crawford
A great King like me flee before the enemy?
Oh, Mr. Crawford it would be a shame for the nation
that’s why I won’t run away,
Lion that I am If I escape
History will judge me harshly, it would be a shame
O Bwana Kolofwa
Wabwene hi, Bwana Kolofwa? (twice)
Mwami mukuru kati one
Kwiruka bukemo, O Bwana Kolofwa
Nsoni mu shalo
Ntkwiruka, ndi Nshimba, ai wee
Nsoni mu kwiruka
Nsoni mu Kutengwa (repeat)



At least if there were five
Or even ten in Mwenda’s kingdom (bis) 
The whites would be stretched out,
The whites would be spread 
and there would then have been more corpses; 
We would have exterminated them all under the euphorbias
Kashi ga bali batano
Kashi ga bali ikumi mwa Mwenda (bis)
Bazungu ga nabalala, ga nabalala!
Bazungu ga nabalala
Ga nabagwa magumbi!
Ga twabamalira bonane mu lunara, ai wee!

At least if there were five
All brave people
Like this Mwanangwa Masuka
In Bugaraganza
Kashi ga Bali batano
Bagoshya ba lubango
Kati oyo Mwanangwa Masuka
Mu Bugaraganza

At least if there were five 
or ten in the bugaraganza 
The whites would be spread 
The whites would be spread
There would then have been piles of corpses After the Munema tragedy
It’s a shame that these soldiers Barugaruga came to be massacred
Kashi ga bali batano
Kashi ga bal’ikumi mu Bugaraganza
Bazungu ga nabalala, ga nabalala
Bazungu ga nabalala
Ga nabagwa matumbi
Ga twikena n’abo ku Munema
Balugalug’aba bileta! 


1.  What we commemorate each year
In the month of December
This is the day King M’siri was assassinated
by a white Belgian, nicknamed Mashabulu
Just like his son Masuka Who, in turn,
brought down Mashabulu
That day was so bloody
That all Bayeke were dismayed
Eshya twekwibukira myaka yona
Mu kwezi gw’ikumi ne ibili
Nge lusiku alitwa Mwami Mushiri
Ne muzunguv Mubelezi Mashyabulu
Hamwine ne mwana wamwe Masuka
N’awe ng’alamwita Mashabulu
Ogulya lusiku lulasesaguka magazi
Bayeke bona bahahala mnone

All Basabaga, Babagwe, Bashirombo
Bashimbili, Barombe, Bagomba
Basonge, Banzeve, and Baleve;
All Basakali, Basale, Bashyetu,
Bayogo and Baha;
All Bahindi, All Balungwana
All of us, we still cry, we are still in tears, iyee!
Basabaga, Babagwe, Bashirombo
Bashimbili, Barombe, Bagomba
Basonge, Banzeve, ne Baleve;
Basakali, Basale, Bashyetu,
Bayogo ne Baha;
Bahindi, Balungwana bona
Twekwilira, Twekwilira, oo iyee!

2.  Today if we are blessed
We must give thanks to God
Because Mwenda M’siri died
For this whole country, Katanga
That he had pacified himself.
Even now we cannot tolerate that
our Bwami is behind
Come, stand up, old men, stand up, young people,
Let’s defend the heritage that we were given. 
Bwaler’obwa tuli ne lupemba
Twisenge mu kuba Mwenda Mushiri
Alashifwira eshya shalo shyonane
Ali ashihozizye inenene
Ne tyaha bwami bwitu bwe Bayeke
Tutenkashima busigale numa;
Tuzye, tuzye banampara n’imwe bayumba
Tutumamire lisalo litu lya lole

3.  O God, we pray to you
You the one who gives us strength
Our fathers who are still alive
They rid us of all obstacles.
So we will stand firm;
Despite the storms and challenges
We will survive in Katanga.
Oya Mungu witu twekusabira
ng’awene ekutuherezya nguzu;
Ba baba n’abe kati ne bahanga
Bekutushinzira vibi vyonane
Oti n’ifwe tube ne bugumu.
Nolo zize miyaga ne nkuba
Mpunga zitalabule mu witu
Tutalamalazike mu Kadata.


1.  We said it well in Kasanda
(That you shouldn’t have caused) 
too many problems in the village
Mostly lying and bragging (otherwise)
You have run away from Mwenda’s “house” 
Return so that we can get the truth. 
Little Malolela!
Twabwiranga ba Kasanda
Mu lugo magambo magambo
N’okwa bubehi mu kalomo
Uliruke kaya kamwa Mwenda
Ooo, twishinine!


2.  Yes, little Malolela caused problems
By murdering Kyawama’s daughter
While Kasanda,
the headstrong fled;
Mr. Kasanda
You are going to Ngwerezya 
(No!) Return, so the truth can be known!
Kamalolela nge kakuleta
Ikaluleta kwit’oyo mwene kyawama
Bwana Kasanda wa mpaka
Wabela wazya
Bwana Kasanda, welele!
Wazya. Ngererzya
Wize twishinine!


3.  We hear complaints from Ntalashya 
The Basanga are there, they say. 
Kankofu is set on fire 
The enemy has entered
After introducing death to Mwenda
You have fled; 
Where are you going, Mr. Kasanda? 
Come back from Ngwerezya so that we can get the truth.
Twimvwa nkungwe we Ntalashya
Basanga biza!
Kankofu mwahebwa muliro
Bikuvi bingira!
Wingizya lufu mwa Mwenda
Wabela wazya;
Bwana Kasanda wazya hi?
Upune Ngwerezya
Wize twishinine. 


1.  Some women you see have a bad tongue
Mariya delivered the King
Da Fonseca betrayed the King!
Let the careless mouth disappear from here
For she has aroused anger among princes
She saddened all the inhabitants!
Makim’aga kulemo kabi
Mariya atanga mundeba
Da Fonseca akonga mundeba!
Klomo kahumbe kapun’heno
Kasaizye banangwa
Kakalezye ba mu lugo, ai wee!


2.  I (always) say to my children:
We had a very famous King
Nobody here in Katanga
Could not compare with this great officer
But Mariya delivered the King!
Nekubabwira bana bane:
Twali ne mtemi mukumuke
Muntu ne umwine heno Kadata
Atalasusana n’eyo mutwale, mayo,
Mariya atanga mundeba!


3.  I (always) tell my children:
Than marrying a multitude of women
It’s asking for trouble
I let a snake into my house
Enriching foreigners means wasting your fortune
To love women is to eat with witches
Nekubabwira bana bane:
Kutola mabuto kwileterezya
Naleka nzoka kuningirira!
Kukwavya mageni kusesa nsabo, mayo,
Kutogwa makima kulya ne balozi


4.  I (always) tell my children:
That being polygamous is very bad
I let a wolf break my bones
Allying with strangers is therefore playing with death
Da Fonseca betrayed the King!
Nekubabwira bana bane:
Kuhaliga vihumbi kubine
Nalek’ibinzi kumvunangula
Kusana ne gandi kwesa ne lufu, mayo,
Da Fonseca akonga mundeba.


Let us sing, we too sing for our leader (repeat)
Just as our ancestors sang
For their King Mwenda M’siri, the Nkomezya-Bilolo
They would worship him
Likewise, he also loved them all,
Vassals, like Princes
When he invited them (he’d say):
“Come, O Fathers!”
When he invited them all, (he’d say): Come, O Fathers!”
Come, O, Fathers, for you do not know
The reason why God ordered us to live in Katanga,
We who were on a journey
Come, O Mothers.
N’ifwe Katwimbe, Katwimbe, Katwimbire Mundeba (repeat)
Kati ba guku biswe bimviranga
Mwami Mwenda Mushiri Nkomezya-Bilolo
Basenganga Mtemi
N’awe abatogwanga bami
Kone Banangwa shalo na shalo
Abalalikanga: “Bababa mwize”
Ababoneshyanga bona: “Bababa mwize!” 
Twisenge bamwihe misambwa
yiswe Bayage ifwe bana-lugendo
Mwize, ee, Ô, ba baba, mutumanite
Kushi Linze lyatulagire
Kuzeng’eno Kadata ifwe bana-lugendo!
Mwize, ee, ô ba mayo

Let’s slaughter goats, bathe in goat blood
Let’s draw beer and toast to say goodbye to the homeland
And let’s cry over each other,
Because life is a journey.
O you Likuku and Mugembe

Let’s pray together
O my uncle Mutaka
And you Mulindwa from Kalabi
O you Ntalashya and Magabwa
Tuteme mbuzi bwalero twoge mu magazi
Tubutahe bwa kulaga lishalo
Twilire ifwe bana-lugendo (bis)
B’Ikuku ne Mugembe

Bona tulisenga
Mutaka mami wane!
Mulindwa wane mu Kalabi


1.  We came to the meeting place
Of the Kingdom of Bayeke 
Our old Bunkeya that remains Still new to us 
Besides his countless days 
Are still before her, O Father, 
Because Bunkeya has become like our Jerusalem 
Twizile mu nsanganilo ye Bwami
Bwe Bayeke 
Bunkeya yiswe ye kale ishyali 
Nsiku zyayo shitambarike 
Zindi zili mbele baba, 
Bunkeya yabere tye Yerusalema 

Our village of Bunkeya
Is the current capital of Mwenda 
Even if it happens that we Leaving for years 
To seek fortune elsewhere 
We think about it often and remember it 
Because Bunkeya has become like our Jerusalem 
Bunkeya kaya kiswe 
Nge luvuno lu mwa Mwenda
Ninga twonkileka myaka ne myaka
Mu kokova bukwavi mu mashalo 
Twekwikaniga lyagya tukumbule
Bunkeya yabere tye Yerusalema

2.  It is in this village that rest 
Those who preceded us in Katanga In Munema, 
others in Kalonga and In Kaleba in greater numbers; 
They never stop watching over us 
And to protect Bunkeya, oh mother, 
Because Bunkeya has become our Jerusalem 
Kaya aho bekulala 
Batonzi be mu Kadata 
Munema, bandi Kalonga Bindi Kaleba; 
Bekusherwa kutulinga 
Ne kukwashya Bunkeya, mayo, ee 
Bunkeya yabere tye Yerusalema 


3.  Although we are lost children 
We have a big name in this country 
Indeed, we children of the Bayeke 
We are well known everywhere 
Even in all their conversations, People always refer to Bunkeya 
And with good reason 
Because Bunkeya has become our Jerusalem 
Ninga twabere balobezi 
Tuli n’izina mu shalo 
N’fwe bana ba Bayeke Batumanite 
Mu nsunsu zyona zye bantu 
Twekusonterwa Bunkeya, yalole 
Bunkeya yabere tye Yerusalema


1.  I said this to those who hated me 
Stop having false ideas about me 
Cause I’m not alone, 
I’m not alone in this world 
If you continue to annoy me like this (repeat) 
I will end up calling my braves
These eternal Bayeke with lively eyes 
Attention! I’m not alone, I’m not alone in this world
Nababwirang’abo bangaire (bis)
Muleke kwikumbagula mizo ng’ok’one
Ntali’nene, ntali’nene mw’ibwelero
Olo mwongezya kunsaizya (bis)
Ndasemwe ndange bakali
Bayeke banantamara, be miso makale
Oo, ntali’nene, ntali’nene mw’ibwelero

I am not alone I am not alone O mother (repeat)
I’m not alone in this world. 
In heaven there is God, my ancestors on earth 
Keep me, poor as I am 
Attention! I am not alone, I’m not alone in the world
Ntali’nene O mayo (bis)
Ntali’nene mw’ibwelero
Mungu mw’irunde bafu mu nsi
Bekundind’one mulanda
Ntali’nene, ntali’nene mw’ibwelero

2.  Seek to fight 
With an opponent possessing army of twenty regiments 
O mother, it’s wanting to do the impossible 
Seeking to fight with an opponent
Who has as friends those who go to the coast 
O mother, it is wanting to do the impossible 
If you continue to annoy me
Kukova kupigana (bis)
Ne mwine wa malugu makumi abili
Mayo, kushimirwa, kwizimba!
Kukova kupigana ne mwino
Wa kwigondera ne bazya-mpwani,
Mayo, kushimirwa, kudaya!
Olo mwemera…

3.  You want to wage war pointlessly 
But you forget the strength I hold; 
My strength is God and the manes 
Let us first resurrect our fathers who preceded us in this country 
So that they judge us. 
Don’t dare, otherwise you’ll dig up stuff 
So in my turn, I will discover my pot, 
My fermenting pot (my anger) 
I’m not alone, I’m not alone in this world If you continue to annoy me
Mwikumbwa, kwisoma buyaga (bis)
Lero mwalabira nguzu zyane one;
Nguzu zyane ne Kube, nguzu zyane
ne misambwa
Tutange tuzyole ba baba batonzi be mu Kadata
Bize batulamule
Mulafulule kana ligambo
N’one mfundukule nungu yane
Nungu yane ya mwambiro
Oo ntali’nene mw’ibwelero
Olo mwemera…


There are no others (bis) 
That we, the despised
Everything has been left to us as a legacy 
And luck, and the crown of the Kingdom 
A single word from Mwenda is enough to to be granted by our manes 
Especially when it comes to asking for peace 
God, oh mother 
Yet we know we are hated 
But what does it matter if people hate us! (bis)
Batali yo bandi (bis)
Ifwene bekuhinuzya
Ng’ifwe Basumbwa (bis)
Twalegerwe lupemba
Ne ndezi ye shalo
Sumbwa Mwenda atete
Isenge misambwa
Ku Linze mayo wane
Kusaba bushinge
Nolo batugaire shimalimali (bis)

That they hate us 
No matter, oh Bayeke 
Never mind! 
They will be tired Leave us alone 
Oo, bagaye!
Shimalimali, Bayeke
Batu leke


I am a nobleman, I am a nobleman
(so said a certain servant of the king) 
Where is he now this gentleman 
who called himself noble? (repeat)
The world will devour me, O mother, 
And will consume me (What then!) 
The brothers I love are all cunning 
Those with whom I share my bread are all cunning.
The people of the village only badmouth me 
So they are cunning 
Who is cheating on me! 
Above all I mourn this nobleman whom I loved so much 
The one I took for a true friend
While he is also very cunning! (repeat)
Avoid this nobleman
Because if your friend disowns you
You must quickly avoid him.
Ndi wa ngala, ndi wa ngala
Azya hi bwana wa ngala (bis)
Libwelero likundya, ee mayo, 
Lyeku malizy’one
Badugu abo ndashimire
Abo nkulyanga nabo
Ba mu lugo mu kuntola
Bonane mu kungulumira!
Mno mn’one, nalira oyo ndashima
Wa ngala, munwani wane
Linkerenyenge (bis)
Mukane wa ngala
Mwino akukanire
Mangu mukane
(Plusieurs fois)


1.  We divided the provinces between us (bis)
That we inherited from our fathers
We divided the provinces between us (bis)
Tell me the reason for your dislike
Confess to me the motive of your jealousy and I will pay you
O mother, tell me the reason for your aversion
Since we divided the provinces between us
Tulagabana mahanga (bis)
Lisalo lye ba baba
Tulagabana mahanga (bis)
Nuntengere kagairo
Numbwire kabubiro, ndahonge, iyee
Mayo, untengere kagairo
Tulagabana mahanga (bis)

2.  You reserved for yourself a part (of the kingdom)
And I take the rest to my satisfaction
However your evil tongue (turned things against you)
Your wife the same
Especially your sister Nafukwe
She was just chatting,
chatter constantly
So that all the inhabitants
deserted your village
To come to my house because of my gentleness
Oh! How sweet is wealth!
We divided the provinces between us.
Ulagemba bwako (bis)
N’one ninula bwane, ndeba, ai wee! 
Koko kalomo, koko kalomo!
Mukazi wako ne kalomo
Mno mno ilumbu byalo Nafukwe
Koko Kalomo, koko kalomo!
Bantu kusambala bona baliza
Kuzenga ku one mukonde
Kashi bukonde ne nsabo!
Tulagabana mahanga


3.  At least if I were a polygamist with a hundred wives
If I owned herds!
Or if I appropriated other people’s property by force
And take over the widows’ fields
It would have been otherwise.
Tell me the reason for your dislike.
Because we divided the provinces between us
Wa kutola magana, ee
Wa kudima madale, shibera
Wa kulira vintu ku mpaka
Ne kutazizya ndimiro zye balekwa
Mayo, shibera, untengere kagairo
Tulagabana mahanga


4.  While me, poor as I am
I’m alone, I’m alone
While me, poor as I am
With only two children
What did my wife give me
Lunzala Nampindi
Confess to me the motive of your jealousy
Because we divided the provinces between us
To end an affair
It is necessary to repair the damage
Ali oti one mulanda
Ndi’nene, ndi’nene
Ali oti one mulanda
Ne twana twane tubili
Otwane ndabushire ne bibi wane
Nampindi muna-Lunzala
Numbwire kabubiro
Tulagabana mahanga
Kagambo kumara
Kagambo kumara


1.  My parents are representatives of God
(here on earth) (bis)
Yes, my parents (bis)
They struggled a lot to give me birth
Therefore I will not be able to forget them,
It is through their perseverance that I grew up
All my wisdom comes from them
When I find something to give them
I’m just giving back what’s theirs
Because my parents are representatives of God
Bali mu shyopo she Mungu
Babushi bane (bis)
Ee, babushi bane (bis)
Bankoyira mno mu kumbuta
Bakungubira kunkuzy’one
Kumbwira bwenge
Nasola kantu nabahera
Bene ne kabo
Bali mu shyopo shye Mungu
Babushi bane


2.  When, when I was still very young, I fell ill
My parents were getting sad that they
could not find sleep
They kept watch all night;
I was mute, but thanks to my
parents I know how to speak
Today I became a real man
having my own property
Nali Kanangwa nekulwala
Babushi bane
|Baholerwa batekulala
Nali mutita ne kuteta
Naluk’oti nanyemera
Nasaba twane

3.  How then can I love my parents,
O mother?
I worship them even though they are dead
I will never reject them
In turn, my parents will bless me
And God will never stop helping me
Here on earth
Nenkabashima tyani, mayo
Babushi bane?
Ninga bafwire nekwisenga
Nabe balanfuhule Babushi bane
Mungu alabe ekunkwashya


1.  It is very important to have
 children in this world. O mother
Because it is a blessing from the Most High
The God of Heaven (bis)
Kubuta ni kandi mw’ibwelero
mayo wane
Kubuta lwali lupemba lumwa Kube
Linze lye mw’irunde (bis)


It’s God, it’s God!
It was He who gave them to me
It’s God, It’s God
The God of Heaven
Linze, Linze!
Linze nge lyanhere
Linze, Linze!
Linze lye mw’irunde

2.  It is very important to have           children in this world
O my friends, I who was alone
in my house
So we became two
I feel stronger
Kubuta ni kandi mw’ibwelero
O bayage, nali’nene
Twaba babili mu numba
Naba ne nguzu

3.  It is very important to have
children in this world
O princes, although I have not had
Only the poor and the infirm
Let the people fear me!
Kubuta ni Kandi mw’ibwelero
O banangwa, ninga nabushire
Bahavi ne basunte
Bona bobahe! 


God wants men
live a long time on earth
Let them have their children
That they leave a family after their death

So a whole army of descendants in the countries
Live long father Mwenda
O King, please!

Stay long, o our king
O Mwenda, please!
Stay long oh king, our father Mwenda-Bantu
May you be at peace, O king,
our father

Shyombeka we Shalo (the builder)

Linze lyatogwa bantu
Badire mw’ibwelero (bis)
Babute bana babo
Baleke luganda ku numa, eee

Bizuguru malugu mu shalo, mayo, ee
ai wee! (bis)
Udire baba Mwenda

Mwami waliha!
Udire baba mutemi
Mwenda waliha!

Udire baba mwami
Mwenda Bantu
Nuhole baba mutemi

Shyombeka we Shalo!


1.  That day at our mother Nashizya’s house
We met in secret council (bis)
The fate of our manes
Designated this grandson of Mwenda
So that he became Mwami Mwenda Bantu
The fate of our manes
Designated this grandson of Likuku
So that he reigns over the country (bis)
Imwa mayo Nashizya
Twali mu luntola, mu shikome (bis) 
Kabbale ka misambwa
Kalamuly’oyo Shya Mwenda
Agalugeko Mwenda-Bantu
Kabale ka misambwa
Kalamuly’oyo Sh’Ikuku
Abe mutemi we Shalo (bis)

2.  We searched among the princes
But Providence had chosen him in advance
May this generous father Mwenda Bantu be in peace!|
May this great king be in peace
This overlord Shyombeka we Shalo (The Builder) (bis)
Kukovakova mu banangwa
Kashi Linze n’alye lyamulahire ku mbele
Nahole, ee, nahole oyo baba
Mwenda_Bantu mugavi!
Nahole, ee, nahole oyo Seba
Shyombeka we Shalo mutemi! (bis)

3.  We searched among the princes
But Providence as well as our manes
had placed him in advance at the head of the Bayeke
May he have strength
This Mwenda-Bantu, please!
May this great king have strength
Ruler Shyombeka we Shalo
Kukovakova mu banangwa
Kashi Linze n’alye kone misambwa
Zyamutongezye ku Bayeke
Nagime, ee, Nagime oyo baba
Mwenda-Bantu balayage!
Nagime, ee, nagime oyo Seba
Shyombeka we Shalo salibe!

4.  Who among us has changed their minds?
Of course it’s not me!
Who are those who would like
Rebel against Mwami Mwenda Bantu?
Of course it’s not me!
Certainly it’s not me from the Kihumbe clan
from the family of Nsamba, resident of Lisubwe…
Why should I deny you, my father, my lion (king)!
I who am only a miserable beggar
Without hesitation, O mother!
Isn’t it that to hate your king is to hate your homeland!
Kamba ne bande abo bagaluga?
Wera ntali one!
Kamba ne bande abo bekukova
Kugomera Mwenda-Bantu
Wera ntali one!
Wera ntali one muna-Kihumbe
Muna-Nsamba wamu Lisubwe
Mbela nkukanire shi baba nsimba yane!
One kalanda ka kuba ndazya ndasavirizya
O, mayo, numba ntali
Tyani, kugaya mwami kugaya shalo!


1.  The big house of Mwenda (bis)
Was built of stones
On the hill of Nkuru, O Peres,
The great house of the great king, ai wee!
This is where the Mwami sits
While watching over us
The Vikabiro of our manes
Are all near him
We too gather there
To receive the blessing
Above all we worship the God of our ancestors
Then we come to remember
Of all our deaths
So that they may intercede
For us their children

O you our Basumbwa Fathers
Watch over us and intercede
For God to help us

O, our Father, Mwenda-Bantu (M’siri: leader of men)
O, our Father Kalasa Mukanda-Bantu
O, Mwami Kitanika-Mabumba/Munzyalira
Mwami Mwenda Musamfya-Ntanga
O, our father Luhinda-Shalo
O, our father Ntalashya-Matongo
And you Magabwa, and Kyamunda
Ikuku, and Mugembe
Kabobo, and Mutaka…
1.  Linumba limwa Mwenda (bis)
Lilombekwa ne mabale
Ha lugulu, ba baba,
Linumba limwa Seba, ai wee! (bis)
Eyo Mwami ekuteka
Mu kutulinga
Vikabiro vye misambwa
Vyona ku magulu gamwe
N’ifwe twibiringa yo
Tushigwe lupemba
Twiza kumwisenga, ee
Mungu we bakuru
Twiza kulabulura, ee
Abo balafwire
Babe balatwitongera
Ifwe bana babo

Imwe ba Baba Basumbwa
Mutulinge, mutwitongere
Kwa Mungu atukwashye
O Baba Mwenda-Bantu (M’siri)
O, Baba Kalasa Mukanda-Bantu
Mwami Kitanika Mabumba/Munzyalira
Mwenda Musamfya-Ntanga
O Baba Luhinda-Shalo
Ba Ntalashya-Matongo
Ba Magabwa, ba Kyamunda
B’Ikuku, ba Mugembe
Ba Kabobo, ba Mutaka


You Kihumbe, great dancer
Beat the drum and announce
To the people of the village that they do not forget
To pay homage to our ancestor Muhemwa
You, Kihumbe, great dancer
Tell them they don’t just laze around
Watching the children play
Oo, Beat the drum Mr. Kihumbe

Go teach them to dance (bis)
You Kihumbe, great dancer
Go teach them the one they were looking for
Our Mwami Mwenda M’siri
The one that princes danced
Because the people of the village prefer
Admiring the girls’ legs and faces
Yes, go teach them the dance, you Kihumbe

Bayeke, let’s lift the legs and dance

At the risk of looking like those
Who you shouldn’t be like
We are drummers
Kabateng’igoma (bis)
Bwana Kihumbe wa magya
Ba mu lugo bimuzya kwisenga
Ye mwa Muhemwa
Kabateng’igoma Bwana Kihumbe wa magya
Ba mu lugo batogwa kutangalira
Bayanda mu lubuga bikere
Oo, Kabateng’igoma bwana Kihumbe oi yee
Kabalanzye mbina (bis)
Kabalanzye mbina, Bwana Kihumbe
Wa maggya kabalanzye mbina

Kabalanzye mbina, Bwana Kihumbe
Wa magya, yashimanga
Baba Mwenda Mushiri
Ya banangwa kuduma buyaga
Kabalanzye mbina, Bwana Kihumbe
Wa magya ba mu lugo batogwa
Kulingirira bakima ku magulu, ku bushye
Oo, kabalanzye mbina, Bwana Kihumbe oi yee!

Beyeke twimye magulu

Twakiza kususana
Ne banantasusanwa n’abo
Ifwe malindimya ngoma


1.  The big house of Mwenda (bis)
Was built of stones
On the hill of Nkuru, O Peres,
The great house of the great king, ai wee!
This is where the Mwami sits
While watching over us
The Vikabiro of our manes
Are all near him
We too gather there
To receive the blessing
Above all we worship the God of our ancestors
Then we come to remember
Of all our deaths
So that they may intercede
For us their children

O you our Basumbwa Fathers
Watch over us and intercede
For God to help us

O, our Father, Mwenda-Bantu (M’siri: leader of men)
O, our Father Kalasa Mukanda-Bantu
O, Mwami Kitanika-Mabumba/Munzyalira
Mwami Mwenda Musamfya-Ntanga
O, our father Luhinda-Shalo
O, our father Ntalashya-Matongo
And you Magabwa, and Kyamunda
Ikuku, and Mugembe
Kabobo, and Mutaka…
1.  Linumba limwa Mwenda (bis)
Lilombekwa ne mabale
Ha lugulu, ba baba,
Linumba limwa Seba, ai wee! (bis)
Eyo Mwami ekuteka
Mu kutulinga
Vikabiro vye misambwa
Vyona ku magulu gamwe
N’ifwe twibiringa yo
Tushigwe lupemba
Twiza kumwisenga, ee
Mungu we bakuru
Twiza kulabulura, ee
Abo balafwire
Babe balatwitongera
Ifwe bana babo

Imwe ba Baba Basumbwa
Mutulinge, mutwitongere
Kwa Mungu atukwashye
O Baba Mwenda-Bantu (M’siri)
O, Baba Kalasa Mukanda-Bantu
Mwami Kitanika Mabumba/Munzyalira
Mwenda Musamfya-Ntanga
O Baba Luhinda-Shalo
Ba Ntalashya-Matongo
Ba Magabwa, ba Kyamunda
B’Ikuku, ba Mugembe
Ba Kabobo, ba Mutaka