Tuesday, March 25, 2025

History of the Bayeke

The following recounting tells the story of the Bayeke, the origin of their name, and their journey from Tanganyika to Katanga, their adoptive land. The Mwanangwa Samba was generous enough to share his writings with me almost 10 years ago. He remains one of the few Yeke who are still fluent in Kiyeke. As many young people learn the language from songs and storytelling, there is hope that the language will survive for another 200 years and beyond. Here is the original text, as it was written in Kiyeke. Our gratitude to the Mwanangwa is immeasurable, in that he was able to summarize a long history of the Bayeke in a concise, yet edifying style for posterity.

Mwanangwa Samba Maleshi, ifwe Bayeke bona twalamirizya munone mu milimo wekugema nsiku na nsiku. Linze likuhe nguzu lye kutumamira Bwami bwitu, ni Buyeke hamwine.

The Editor,
Patrick Kalenga Munongo